“Everybody loves puppies. Even people that don’t like dogs still like fucking puppies. No, Wait! ~Pillars of Eternity”
“Why does everyone want to sleep with meeeeee?! ~ Pillars of Eternity”
“You always come, like right at the end. ~Graveyard Keeper”
“There has to be some holy shit I can do! ~Pillars of Eternity”
Also I have created a new word “Angerously” by my brain combining both Angerily and Furiously together. Feel free to use it! You’re Welcome.
Big thanks to CptSpaceToaster, Mala_Cat, Juan and Avianographer for the quote submission this month. You guy got 100 b0bcaps for each quote. If you want to immortalize the things I say and earn b0Bcaps join my Discord, and submit them in the b0b-quotes section.